Ladies League - Goalies Needed!, News (West Northumberland Girls Hockey Association)

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Aug 14, 2016 | WNGHA | 1182 views
Ladies League - Goalies Needed!
If you are an experienced goalie or a goalie who is just looking to come out for some socialization and exercise, we have a great league for you!

Our league offers 4 Experienced teams and 4 Recreational teams with local games only.  All games will be on Monday nights at the Memorial Arena in Cobourg and times will rotate between 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm and 9:30pm.
We offer a great incentive program for our goalies and can guarantee you won’t be disappointed!
If you are interested in playing ladies hockey, please contact Kelly at [email protected].

**NEW** Goalie Incentive Program
Because WNGHA understands the value of our goalies within our Ladies League, we wanted to provide a new incentive program for all new and returning goalies!
Starting in our 2016-2017 season, WNGHA will be offering all Ladies League goalies with a $100 refund if the following criteria has been met:

  1. Completion of one full season starting from September 12th to March 13th
  2. Must have played a minimum of 20 games during the season.
  3. Games played with other teams may count towards required games on a case by case basis.
  4. Refunds will be issued at the end of the season once approved by the convener.

Please contact Kelly at [email protected] with any questions!
